Shut this guy up. He always wants another drink and another war. And he ain't kidding. War-weary Americans get ready. It's going to be a long slog with this guy. And don't think the Haliburton train isn't ready to leave the station right behind this latest, "We will not allow Iran to have a nuclear weapon." (WaPo here) But do stay tuned for companion news pieces that state: a) an Osma sighting, tape, threat; 2) an AlQueda sighting, tape, threat; c) some other made up story that fits the plan that supports our saber rattling. Very dangerous indeed.
Meanwhile, over at UNC, we had a 3000 lb WMD driven into a group of students by an Iranian goofball who claims he did it "to spread the word of Allah". (abcnews here) Where is the heightened security, outrage, clampdown, etc.? And what about the Taliban member attending Yale? (GOPUSA here) Do you smell something fishy? Get a clue!