Monday, March 27, 2006
(Rattle)Snakes on the Plane!
Talk about Snakes on the Plane...think of the "plane" as America, and immigration as the rattlesnake getting verrrrry angry. What to do, what to do. BTW, who's advising Rep. Tom Trancedo (R-CO) and Sen. James Sensenbrenner (R-Wis)? Neo-Nazis???? HR 4437 ? GET REAL. What pompous, snarky idiots. And most DC insiders know that this bill goes nowhere - ON PURPOSE - is pure posturing.
Again, we believe this is a very lame (and politically dangerous) attempt to create an issue to hang you hat on. What happened to the real, education, security, defense...whatever. Also, you idiots! Most Latinos vote Republican! So, have at it. Alienate 11 million voters. Be our guest.
Do you know what 11 million people in the streets looks like?
And the call for apologies begin...(here)
Immigration marchers demand apology from mayor
Organizers of last week's 20,000-member march that protested immigration legislation said Sunday that they want an apology from Mayor Phil Gordon for his remarks on the protest's execution. In a news conference outside City Hall, Hector Yturralde, a leader of protest sponsor Unidos en Arizona, said the group also demands to meet with Gordon by 6 p.m. Wednesday. The mayor's spokesman said he had "no comment" on their requests. Gordon said rally 'trampled' on rights of others Gordon expressed anger after Friday's protest. He said the city had not been notified of how many people would take part and called protesters' actions "shameful."