Thursday, March 16, 2006

Unhappy Dems

We're sorry, but it seems that rich or poor - Dems are glum in general. This from LiveScience (here):

"The reason might seem obvious, since "Republicans tend to have more money than Democrats, and—as we've already discovered—people who have more money tend to be happier," the report states. But even after adjusting for income, poor Republicans are happier than poor Democrats, and rich Republicans are happier than rich Democrats. "

Other findings:

-Republicans are happier than Democrats.
-People who worship frequently are happier than those who don't.
-The rich are happier than the poor.
-Whites and Hispanics are happier than blacks.
-Married people are happier than the unmarried.
-Dog owners and cat owners rate the same.
-Sunbelt residents are happier than everyone else.

There you have it.