Apologize for her actions or her hairstyle? Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) in the mix again:
In a draft of a statement that McKinney did not release, she said the officer “body-blocked” her during the incident, and she blamed his failure to recognize her on a recent makeover.
“It is ... a shame that while I conduct the country’s business, I have to stop and call the police to tell them that I’ve changed my hairstyle so that I’m not harassed at work,” McKinney said in the draft, which was obtained by WSB-TV of Atlanta and posted on its Web site." (here).
Radio Talk Show host Neal Boortz thinks she looks like a GHETTO SLUT. How would he know?!? (MM here)
"From the March 31 broadcast of Cox Radio Syndication's The Neal Boortz Show, with producer Belinda Skelton and talk radio host Royal Marshall:
BOORTZ: For instance, or for goodness sakes, jump in and I'm gonna say -- I'm gonna start out with something controversial. I saw Cynthia McKinney's new hair-do. Have you seen it, Belinda?
BOORTZ: She looks like a ghetto slut."