Sunday, April 30, 2006

Going Ga-Ga For Steven Colbert

Who is Steven "Truthiness" Colbert, anyway? Okay, he's a very funny and apparently clever guy who is a "conservative" jokester....but in a way that makes us wonder.

His latest jokster smack down occured last night at the WH Correspondent's Dinner which is all over the blogs today...pretty funny stuff.

You can watch it at C-SPAN or Crooksandliars. "In its report on the affair, USA Today asserted that some in the crowd cracked up over Colbert but others were "bewildered." Wolf Blitzer of CNN said he thought Colbert was funny and "a little on the edge."

We liked the recent skewering of Bill Kristol on The Colbert Report. He slammed him on PNAC (Think Progress transcripts here). We believe BK is dangerous to America and we're not kidding.

PNAC is driving the nutty rush-to-war with Iran, make no mistake about it, and Bill Kristol is the founder of PNAC. This is that crazy connection between pro-Israeli and Evangelical ideologies, which is as scary as any goofy nutbag Muslim extremist, in our humble opinion.

Back to he a liberal in conservative clothing? Would that be a bad thing? Anyone?