We don't know much about this website but thought this was pretty good:
Q: Should I be worried about this red bump on my arm?
Q: Should I be worried about this red bump on my arm?
A: You should be more worried about the lump on your kidney.
Q: My wife suggested that I get this new haircut, how does it look?
A: It's fine -- but what's up with the pedicure?
Q: Where's Waldo?
A: We're still looking, but you can trust that we're following up on many excellent leads.
Q: I'm interviewing with AT&T, can you put in a good word for me?
A: Already taken care of.
Q: Where did I leave my keys?
A: Inside pocket of your gray jacket (it's hanging in the front closet).
Q: What should I get my wife for her birthday?
A: Blue sundress from Calypso. Size 12. Also note that she likes to have her toes licked.
Q: Is now a good time to buy Google?
A: Unfortunately, due to strict federal laws NSA cannot provide stock tips.
Q: Can I substitute margarine for butter in my Toll House cookie recipe?
A: We know that you've been smoking pot.
Q: What should I have for dinner?
A: You've been eating a lot of Chinese and pizza -- how about some Turkish