Who's Sorry Now?
Tony, Tony, Tony. Can't believe you said it, can you? Tar Baby?!? A word with conotations that are not positive and not even of this era. Hard to believe that a US Press Secretary would use this term in today's discourse. John Amato has more here at Crooksandliars and of course the transcript.
Here's one explanation of what Tar Baby means today:
"White managers at one of the nation’s most sensitive military installations routinely assault Black employees with an archaic racial epithet, undermining even the pretense of unified national resolve in the “War on Terror.” At Huntsville, Alabama’s Redstone Arsenal, a military and civilian culture holds sway that seems to revel in the language of unrelenting war against the humanity and dignity of African Americans. What do they call a Black Ph.D. at Redstone? Tar Baby."