We thought you'd like to know that the right has selected the following as the "best" in Right Wing Blogging (drum roll please.....) Learn more
Without further ado, the "favorite columnists" of right-of-center bloggers are as follows:
Honorable Mentions: David Warren (8), John Podhoretz (8) -- 1, Jack Kelly (8), Fred Barnes (8), Amir Taheri (9), Ralph Peters (9), Jay Nordlinger (9), Robert Novak (9)
16) John Stossel (10)
16) Cathy Seipp (10)
16) Glenn Reynolds (10)
16) Caroline Glick (10)
16) David Frum (10)
16) Mike Adams (10)
15) Jeff Jacoby (15)
14) Rich Lowry (16)
13) James Lileks (18)
12) Christopher Hitchens (24)
11) Walter Williams (27)
10) Peggy Noonan (30)
9) Michael Barone (32)
8) Ann Coulter (34)
7) George Will (36) -
6) Michelle Malkin (45)
5) Victor Davis Hanson (49)
4) Jonah Goldberg (55)
3) Thomas Sowell (67)
2) Charles Krauthammer (91)
1) Mark Steyn (100) -- 15