Who's Sorry Now?
AdAge is usually on target with most of their observations, etc. And our readers know, we're no fan of Ann Coulter (tranny-annie?). But this is not appropriate and we HOPE AdAge is sorry about allowing this into the public dialog.
Observation: Very smart people throughout the ages have noted that one of the "signs" of the "end" of a civilization is a disinegration of public discourse. Ann Coulter is marketing her book, albeit badly and crassly. But calling for her suicide? We're on record: We can't sign up for that, no matter how much we dislike AC.
Would it kill you, "Godless" author Ann Coulter, to do us all a favor and kill yourself? (Oh, well, yeah, I guess it would kill you.) After her recent rabidly hateful, foaming-at-the-mouth, sub-human "Today" show appearance -- in which she reiterated her assertion that 9/11 widows are "enjoying their husband's deaths" -- even her former supporters began to fantasize about how much nicer the world would be if it were Coulterless.