Who's apologizing now?
AOL, too little and too late. And the customer, Vincent Ferrari, is becoming the "Patron Saint" of Customer Service. And it's about time! We're all sick and tired of bad customer service, badgering customer service, hard-to-understand customer service, idiot customer service, and now, thanks to AOL, the worst CUSTOMER SERVICE ever!
AOL apologizes but their brand is tarnished for sure. Check it out here
AOL Gets Caught Trying to Badger Customer Into Retaining Account
Now we know why AOL still has so many users. Try as they might, canceling an AOL account is, apparently, a nightmare, a point proved by one Vincent Ferrari who recorded his exchange with an AOL customer service rep while canceling his account. It took Ferarri a total of 21 minutes to complete the cancellation and the five minute he spent with an actual human being are simply priceless. The CSR berated Ferrari, who is 30, to the point of asking to speak to his father because he thought Ferrari was making wrong decision in canceling the account. While, AOL did reply to the MSNBC report on the incident with an apology and a statement it had fired the CSR in question, there are, according to Ferrari, many others who have had similar experiences with the company. In the world of social media, consumer-generated media and YouTube, there's no hiding shady business practices any longer.
Tags: AOL Vincent Ferrari