Who was NOT in the picture when Bush announced his latest Wag The Dog initiative, AKA Gay Marriage Ban?
"Pat Robertson
Jerry Falwell
James Dobson, Focus on the Family
Janet Parshall, radio host (formerly FRC)
Bob Knight, Concerned Women for America
Tony Perkins, Family Research Council
Peter LaBarbera, former CWFA and FRC
Lou Sheldon and Andrea Sheldon, Traditional Values Coalition
Who DID we see? A number of black people, and of course the required Catholic guy. I.e., we saw "mainstream" people, the kind of people who don't embarrass George Bush. But we most certainly didn't see a single seated leader of the religious right. (Note, you did see at the very beginning Matt Daniels being pointed in the direction of his obstructed view seat - but again, the camera just happened to catch him expressly walking in front of it.)"
Aren't you glad that your American Senators, who spend millions of dollars to get elected each year by convincing you, the electorate, that they are uniquely qualified to represent how you stand on the issues of the day, are spending the next THREE days bloviating about Gay Marriage?
Can you spell B-A-R-F. Tune in to CSPAN today to see it in action.