Beep Beep! Make them all sorry.
Apparently, revenge driving is right around the corner. And what does this say about our 'sorry' society as we continue to lose any semblance of courtesy?
A NY cabbie will argue that bad driving is good for you. "Subtitled Hundreds of Simple Manoeuvres to Frustrate, Annoy and Endanger Those Around You, the book includes advice on how to push in at queues (“hesitation is a sign of weakness”), how to read signs (“a good road sign should be like poetry: direct, concise but subject to multiple interpretations”) and includes a chapter headed “Tailgating: How close is not close enough?” But beneath the humour the handbook puts forward a compelling argument rarely acknowledged by traffic authorities: if everyone obeyed the rules of the road to the letter the result would be chaos.
It argues that bad driving is an essential part of the smooth running of the road network, that it is the informal shortcuts and commonly acknowledged cheats that keep the system on the move. "
It argues that bad driving is an essential part of the smooth running of the road network, that it is the informal shortcuts and commonly acknowledged cheats that keep the system on the move. "