This will all speak for itself. We'd just like to weigh in that we were the first to title pieces about Ms. Coulter "Ann Coulter - call 1-800-WHOCARES" because we DON'T care about her. All the heat and light being given her nonsense just keeps her in the spotlight and, apparently, the books flying off the shelves. BTW, we love to see a picture of her and the word GODLESS in big print...that in itself speaks volumes. It appears that SHE is GODLESS...
Anyway, when someone starts out a post on a blog with an apology. we have to pick it up:
"QUESTIONS FOR NBC CHIEF JEFF ZUCKER ABOUT ANN COULTER. Let me start this post with an apology. I know the last thing you want to hear more about is Ann Coulter. But I fully endorse Peter Daou's view that the battle over her is far bigger than the bickering over the silly and vicious one-liners she spews to snooker people into buying her books. It's about the future of network news and the as-yet-unclear influence liberal blogs will have over that future -- as well as the influence the liberal blogosphere will have on the media and politics in general.
So I hope you'll indulge this. You may recall that I recently asked the publicist for NBC Today whether Ann Coulter would be welcome on the show after having opined that 9/11 widows were "enjoying their husbands' deaths." The publicist wrote back that Coulter would indeed be welcome again.
Well, now Coulter has been quoted saying that she believes that John Murtha -- that would be the U.S. Congressman and Marine veteran who opposes the Iraq war -- is a worthy target for "fragging." (To my knowledge she hasn't denied saying this.)
Do you know what "fragging" is? It's Vietnam War-speak for murding troops on your own side. Coulter's remark has angered even some conservative blogs, such as RedState.com, which denounced her as a "detestable harpy." more