Who's Sorry Now?
Cruella DeVille, er, Katherine Harris is probablly sorry she ever met Mitchell Wade - "Wade, former CEO of MZM Inc., has pleaded guilty to four criminal charges and said he tried to influence Harris." (USAToday).
She must be burning up...here she did everything the Bushies asked her to to get him into office (remember all those hanging chads?), and she can't catch a break!
But she appears to be doing hereself in...even mild-mannered Republican advisor Ed Rollins has left the campaign because "Harris, 49, denies wrongdoing, but recent revelations that Wade gave her illegal contributions and expensive dinners led to the latest in a series of staff desertions. "Every time I turned over a rock, I found out something I didn't want to know," says Ed Rollins, a former Reagan aide who was Harris's chief adviser until he quit in March."
She must be burning up...here she did everything the Bushies asked her to to get him into office (remember all those hanging chads?), and she can't catch a break!
But she appears to be doing hereself in...even mild-mannered Republican advisor Ed Rollins has left the campaign because "Harris, 49, denies wrongdoing, but recent revelations that Wade gave her illegal contributions and expensive dinners led to the latest in a series of staff desertions. "Every time I turned over a rock, I found out something I didn't want to know," says Ed Rollins, a former Reagan aide who was Harris's chief adviser until he quit in March."