Who's Sorry Now?
Counting votes in a democracy is critical. Gerrymandering has changed the landscape and has created narrow, razor-thin margins in many cases. Big elections come down to, literally, a small number of votes to decide the winner.
We posted recently about the Venezuelan company that owns Smartmatic, the company located in Boca Raton Fl that will be counting your electronic votes here in the US. Let's say that again. Venezuela, the home of Hugo Chaevz, will be counting YOUR votes.
CNN's Lou Dobbs is all over these stories here:
Wednesday night's report from Lou Dobbs explains how the Venezuelan election may have been stolen using Smartmatic voting equipment. A Harvard Professor who has studied the election suggest that results could be modified at the central tabulator without detection.
Counting votes in a democracy is critical. Gerrymandering has changed the landscape and has created narrow, razor-thin margins in many cases. Big elections come down to, literally, a small number of votes to decide the winner.
We posted recently about the Venezuelan company that owns Smartmatic, the company located in Boca Raton Fl that will be counting your electronic votes here in the US. Let's say that again. Venezuela, the home of Hugo Chaevz, will be counting YOUR votes.
CNN's Lou Dobbs is all over these stories here:
Wednesday night's report from Lou Dobbs explains how the Venezuelan election may have been stolen using Smartmatic voting equipment. A Harvard Professor who has studied the election suggest that results could be modified at the central tabulator without detection.