Ah ha! So that's what the Viagra was for...he went to the Dominican Republic - home of some of the hottest sex trafficing on the planet, and, well, needed to be a big man amongst all those cuties. Yuck. Can you imagine Rush Limbaugh naked? We're sure his cigar is bigger than his....well, you know.
"the Dominican Republic is one of the biggest sex tourism destinations in the world, thanks in part to Internet sites that extol the country as a "single man's paradise." Among banner ads for Viagra, members can shuffle through pictures of dull-eyed prostitutes engaged in flagrante delicto with the members/amateur pornographers." (here)
It must be hard being Rush. BTW, we do believe that some of those pills were probablly Oxycontin...as they say, "Once a junkie, always a junkie." And he sounded pretty hyper on his radio show today...that's what they say happens to some people on Oxy - it's like speed. Let's leave it at this...he'd better call the ACLU again and get them ready to defend his rights. But, shush, don't tell anyone. Rush wouldn't want you to know the ACLU is his friend and secret weapon in his legal battles. What a hypocrite.