Saturday, June 3, 2006

Wesley College Prez: Three instances of plagiarism

Who's Apologizing Now?

Turns out the President of Wesley College wrote apology letters to people he plagarized, but denied plagirarizing. Say what?!? How do guys like this live with themselves? And there's some SAT scandal at the school also. Sorry state of affairs, if ya ask us. Also, isn't it strange that this guy just happened to author entire speeches as his own, that, oops!, are someone else's? THREE TIMES?!? Whatevuh, dude.

HERE "Scott D. Miller, who barely survived a no-confidence vote last month by faculty members, denied plagiarizing anything but followed the panel's recommendation to apologize. "I've never plagiarized any materials, including those in question," Miller said after the school released the panel's 35-page report.

One incident involved a paper on liberal arts education that appropriated language from a 1997 magazine article by Richard Hersh, former president of Hobart and William Smith Colleges. The second incident involved a speech duplicating a 1997 commencement address by former University of Pennsylvania president Judith Rodin. The third incident involved a speech duplicating a May 1998 column by The New York Times writer Anthony Lewis. Miller said apology letters have been sent to Hersh, Rodin, the University of Pennsylvania and the Times, but that Lewis could not be found."