Sunday, July 9, 2006

Deb Frisch Apologizes to Jeff Goldstein

Who's Sorry Now?

(before we start, we're wondering...Is this just another Michelle Malkin stunt to one-up Ann Coulter's recent 'success' er publicity?)

The ugly fight going on between the rightie blogs and the ex-U of AZ psych prof is a good example of the danger of personalization in the wildwest called the blogosphere. While it is good that we can all receive and give comments to support, weigh-in on, disagree with each other's views, this personalization is downright dangerous.

We at Post An Apology strongly object the the vitriolic language, the threats, the posting of personal phone numbers, addresses, etc. We've posted numerous times about your "digital DNA" - the fact that what you put out on the Internet via blogs, mySpace, email, whatever - is there FOREVER. Ask Jack Abramoff, Scooter Libby, etc.

Polls show that most Americans have a spiritual life...both Libs and Righties. So we'd like to challenge both sides - Where's your spiritual principles?

Anyway, here's the apology from South(west) paw
July 08, 2006
white flag

I wrote some inflammatory comments at a blog by a guy named Jeff Goldstein called protein wisdom that infuriated many bloggers and commenters. Many of these bloggers emailed my boss at the University of Arizona to tell on me.

In hindsight, the things I wrote were over the line of nastiness.
I apologize to Mr. Goldstein.
I have resigned from the University of Arizona so there is no need for other enraged people to write to administrators there. I am a temporary worker there and I am in Oregon for the summer.

Some blogs have posted comments that I perceive to be physically threatening. I have contacted the FBI and the Pajamas Media staff to determine how to proceed with this aspect of this unbelievable experience.
My intention in this post is to de-escalate the situation. The comments that started this all were nasty, not threatening. But I feel very threatened by the response.

Jeff - I lost my job. You won. Could you call off the troops?

UPDATE: I have been receiving emails alluding to the fact that I got fired. I was not fired. I resigned. I was not pressured to resign. I just sent my boss an email explaining what was happening and told him I thought it was best for all involved if I resigned.

Protein Wisdom has been down since this all started so it is not possible to see all the comments and everything that led up to this. People are posting snippets of what I posted that have been embellished with references to french kissing and other things I didn't say.

When and if protein wisdom comes on line again, it will be hard to tell what Jeff added or deleted to the transcript.

I have been trying to get in touch with Pajamas Media to discuss some of my concerns about what has been published at Black Five about this issue. I feel threatened by some of the comments there.

If someone at pajamas media or better yet, froggy from Black Five, could email me, that would be great.
UPDATE (11:20 a.m.): Comments are turned off. I get the drift.
Posted by Deb at July 8, 2006 09:33 AM