Did evidence appear at the recent Television Critics Association press tour to PROVES that everyone hates Fox?
"In today's Miami Herald, Glenn Garvin says "about two-thirds of the 150 critics left the room before [Roger] Ailes took the stage" at the TCA press tour on Monday, with "several of them openly voicing their scorn for what they say is Fox News' conservative spin." Peter Ames Carlin of the Oregonian disputed that claim in a letter to Romenesko this morning. He says "the room remained crowded" and "if some reporters left grumbling about FNC's politics they were a distinct minority."An hour later, Garvin responded, calling Carlin's claims "quite mysterious to me." He says his estimate of two-thirds "was generous," adding that he heard "several derogatory comments about Fox News before the session from critics who did not attend." And he added: "At a party later that night, several critics told me they considered the low attendance extremely unfortunate not only on journalistic grounds but because it would give Fox News further ammo for its contention that it's treated unfairly in the press."" (here)