Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Neo-Con-Artists' 'Clean'Break' for Israel

Who's Sorry Now?

We are not fans of any of the neo-cons. Why? Because we believe they are not who they say they are. Their origins are leftwing communism from the coldwar, and now rightwing Likud party politics, which are as nutty as any other policy based in religious extremism. They are NOT about America's values, safety, protection. BTW, Pat Buchanan gets it. He is a rightwinger for sure, but on this subject he is SPOT ON.

So the insanity in Lebanon / Israel right now is laid out in this paper that was published in 2000 and written by the Neo-Con Artists. "A Clean Break - Strategy for Securing the Realm" is the blueprint for the Bush foreign policy. YOU MUST READ THIS.

Everything Condi, Cheney, et al say is from THIS playbook. Combine this with the addiction to getting the Iraqi oil secured - and there you have it...the disaster unfolding in front of us now. Here's a great article from Asia Times that updates current events in context:

"The world has seen this movie before. The seed for understanding the New Middle East war was sown 10 years ago, in 1996. Everything keeps pointing back to the infamous paper "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm", prepared by neo-cons such as Richard Perle, David and Meyrav Wurmser and Douglas Feith for Likud hardliner Benyamin Netanyahu. [1] The "getting rid of Saddam" part has already been accomplished. The total degradation of the Palestinians is ongoing. The "destabilizing of Syria in Lebanon" took place last year. The next step would be hitting at both Syria and Iran via Lebanon. Five months ago, Hassan Nasrallah, Hezbollah's leader, warned in a public speech that if Israel did not release the Lebanese prisoners it was holding, "we will try to get an Israeli soldier". That's exactly what happened. Israel knew it and had five months to prepare for an invasion and/or the current "pinpoint" bombing of Lebanon's infrastructure - something that any military strategist knows cannot be prepared in a day or two. The fact that the Bush administration and the Olmert government in tandem blame both Syria and Iran follows the Clean Break plan to the letter. And the plan could have been fine-tuned very recently. Former Likudnik Olmert went to the US in May and Likud chairman Netanyahu followed him in June - and landed in neo-con heaven, participating in a meeting with US Vice President Dick Cheney and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld at a conference organized by the American Enterprise Institute in Colorado."