Who's Sorry Now?
Did you know that the Neo-Con-Artists met with Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Likud Knesset member Natan Sharansky? Did you know it was in June in Colorado and that the plan to invade Lebanon happened then?
Conspiracy theory? Who cares. What other explanations could there be for the absolute and total destruction of what was being called the "Paris of the MidEast".
Idiots. And don'f forget, Bill Kristol hates America.
"In July 26, Aljazeerah reported a story headlined - "Israeli invasion of Lebanon planned by neocons in June (2006)." It was done at a June 17 and 18 meeting at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) conference in Beaver Creek, Colorado at which former Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Likud Knesset member Natan Sharansky met with US Vice President Dick Cheney. The purpose was to discuss the planned and impending Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) invasions of Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon. Cheney was thoroughly briefed and approved the coming assaults - before Hamas' capture of an IDF soldier on June 25 or Hezbollah's capturing of two others in an exchange first reported as occurring in Israel and now believed to have happened inside Lebanon after IDF forces illegally entered the country.Following the Colorado meeting, Netanyahu returned to Israel for a special "Ex-Prime Ministers" meeting in which he conveyed the message of US support to carry out the "Clean Break" policy officially ending all past peace accords."