Get a clue!
OK, America, here's your chance to do the work of illegals you're all dying to do. Go pick oranges in Florida.
That's right, the orange crop is wasting away because there is not enough fruit pickers. And we know all legal American citizens can't get there fast enough. Give us a break. Here's the unintended consequence of the insane immigration nonsense.
Lakeland, Florida (AP) — The Sunshine State has plenty of oranges on its trees. Trouble is there aren't enough people to pick them.
Florida citrus industry officials warn between three and six million boxes of oranges may not be harvested this year, as a result. If the worst case scenario proves true, it'll be the state's lowest orange production since 1992.
Officials blame talk of immigration crackdowns for their difficulty in finding Hispanic workers, who comprise much of Florida's farm work force. One grower says word spread through the Hispanic community that people had to return home if they wanted future jobs in the US.