Friday, July 7, 2006

Oil Wars

Get a clue!
It's the oil, stupid. And the world is clamoring for more. As China and India economies heat up, and, frankly, the US remains stagnant and dropping, the race to find and harvest more oil is getting frantic. And let's remember, China has very deep pockets right now.

BTW, we predict that within 10 years AMERICANS will be the immigrants....going to China and India looking for work....

"The decision by Sinopec of China to pay $1bn for the right to explore for oil in deep water off Angola has shocked the west, which fears it could be left behind in a global scramble for resources.

Similar oil prospects off the coast of the impoverished African country were selling for $35m (£19m) less than a decade ago, when western oil giants such as BP and Shell had the field almost to themselves. " more here