Thursday, July 20, 2006

Sunni vs Shi'ia

Hullo, America! It's not about you. It's not about Israel.

It's about a sectarian civil war between Sunni and Shiite. There is a decline of American power in the Middle East. Power to stop warring factions. Power to intervene.

And according to Condi and John Bolton, we don't want to intervene. Why? Because the ex-oil execs cum politicans (Condi, Bush, Cheney) want IRAQI OIL. That is the prize. What we see right now is this:

Israel is a proxy for the US
Hezbollah is a proxy for Iran (Majority Shi'ia)
John Bolton is a proxy for the Neocon-Artists
Iraq (fighting for Sunni power) has the oil prize
Rapture Christians are cheering the war to hasten the Second Coming
Anything else?

BEIRUT, Lebanon - Israeli troops met fierce resistance from Hezbollah guerrillas Thursday as they crossed into Lebanon to seek tunnels and weapons for a second straight day, and Israel hinted at a full-scale invasion. Israel warned residents to "immediately" flee a nearly 20-mile swath of south Lebanon along the border. Its warplanes also launched new airstrikes on Beirut's southern suburbs, a Hezbollah stronghold, shortly after daybreak, followed by strikes in the guerrillas' heartland in the south and eastern Bekaa Valley.