We posted back in April that 1) Iranmania is alive and well 2)Neoconartist Bill Kristol is dangerous to America 3) Wag the dog, wag the dog, wag the dog (i.e. distract everyone with the NYT story - btw, wasn't Bill Bennett pathetic on MTP? It's hard to take a compulsive gambler seriously when he talks about "doing the right and legal thing").
Sy Hersh is at it again in the New Yorker here. Why does Bush want to fight Iran?
Because Iran also wants those Iraqi oil fields as much as anyone else.
The Bushies have already given the PSA's out to Exxon, BP, etc. and the Iranians are pissed. You know, the petroleum sharing agreements that parcel out the largest oil fields on the planet to privatize the oil.
"According to Chris Cook, the former International Petroleum Exchange director and founder of the Iranian Oil Bourse, the recent saber-rattling toward Iran has nothing to do with its nuclear ambitions and everything to do with its interference in the formation of an Iraqi government.
He believes that by foiling the new Iraqi government, "Iran and its Arab neighbors in the Gulf Cooperation Council might pool some of the proceeds of recent energy sales and use them by investing as 'capital partners' in Iraqi crude-oil production." In other words, Iran could muscle out Anglo-American PSAs – an untenable prospect for the Bush administration."