Tuesday, July 18, 2006


War for Oil

Don't think the current mid-east crisis isn't related to this topic. Iran is in the way of the OIL in Iraq. The world doesn't want the Iraqi reserves sitting under Shiite rule, period.

GWB is not a bumbling idiot in this case....he is coldly calculated, along with Condi, Cheney, Rummy, etc. This is being played out as we speak and as the bombs drop on both sides.

"The documentary specifically discusses the peaking of global oil production, and the threat it imposes on the global economy and the status quo. In retrospect, the BBC, in fact, did blow the whistle on the U.S. administration and its plans with respect to Iraq and the Middle East, and afterwards was told to shut up. And ever since then, no documentary LIKE IT has been filmed, and dissidents within the BBC have either been silenced or removed from their positions."