Monday, August 7, 2006

The Condi Rice Show?

You've been reading about the criticism of Condi's handling of the cease fire and other negotiations (or lack thereof) regarding Israel and Lebanon. What do you think? Has she been a camera hog and out to promote herself?
We do like this snippet about the idiot neo-con-artists (who, BTW, are mainly responsible for Iraq, now Israel, soon Iran):
(Timesonline here) "There has also been criticism from the neo-conservative flank, which has appeared marginalised by Dr Rice’s emphasis on multilateral negotiations to settle the stand-off with Iran. William Kristol, editor of the Weekly Standard, has accused the Administration of pursuing policies that had allowed North Korea to test missiles with impunity and that had left the regime in Tehran “sitting pretty”.
The British Government remains a staunch admirer of Dr Rice’s hard-headed moderation, however. Mr Blair and Dr Rice believe that the crisis could yet help revive the Middle East peace process — provided Ehud Olmert, the Israeli Prime Minister, and Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian Authority President, can emerge with their authority intact and are not undermined or replaced by extremists."