Tuesday, August 1, 2006

Israel-Lebanon Conspiracy Theories

We love the conspiracy theories that abound in times like these. Why? Because it all seems so insane. Is there a conspiracy to plunge the US into a Third World economy and dictatorship? Is there a global cabal taking over? Crazier, still.

But the Neo-Cons are truly scary. Read what they think and who they are. We've been mainaining all year that Bill Kristol hates America. We don't like Libby, Cheney, Bolton....they're all part of the "conspiracy". Evil guys, who, btw, were major players in the Iran/Contra mess. And what is the deal with convicted felon Ollie North on Fox News as an Expert. Have we all gone mad?

Take it all with a grain of salt...and remember, some of it could be true. David Icke is a little weird, to say the least, but it IS an interesting read:

"I was watching CNN the other night and a report on the foreign policy 'crisis' faced by the Bush-puppet administration. They listed all the trouble-spots - Israel-Gaza, Israel-Lebanon, North Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, etc. - and claimed that rarely had a U.S. government faced so many major problems around the world. Well, it depends on what you mean by 'problems'.

We are back to my old friend 'coordinates' here. If you don't have the right coordinates you don't have perspective. If you believe that the goal of American 'foreign policy' is to bring peace and freedom to the world - if that is your coordinate - then it does indeed seem like the United States is faced with enormous challenges.

But if you know that the U.S. government is merely a tool of a global secret society network - the Illuminati - and the idea is to create as much war and suffering as possible to destroy peace and freedom, you will understand that the chaos and conflict is anything but a 'problem'."