Thursday, August 3, 2006

Jane Hamsher's Lieberman Apology

Who's Apologizing Now?
Jane Hamsher, of Firedoglake. Good thing Mel's grabbed the Apology Headlines...otherwise she'd be getting a tougher screwing from the right. Hey, don't be giving the other side any ammunition in the first place!
I sincerely apologize to anyone who was genuinely offended by the choice of images accompanying my blog post today on the Huffington Post. It’s also important to note that I do not, nor have I ever worked for Ned Lamont’s campaign. However, at their request, I removed the image earlier today.

Unfortunately, Senator Lieberman’s campaign has used this in attempt to hurt Ned and score political points, mustering their own faux indignation in attempt to further distract from the issues important to the voters of Connecticut. here's the rest