Thursday, August 10, 2006

Mad Mel LOVES McClintock

From reader Gail, more fallout from the Mad Mel Drunk-fest. McClintock campaign donations letter gone awry... BTW, do you think Robin Williams and Mel are in the same Malibu rehab? Kinda like the old days when rehab was "chic" and deals were made:

Tell McClintock to donate Mel's money to the Museum of Tolerance!

Dear Network Member:

Mel Gibson apparently may not like Jews, but newly released documents show he's CRAZY about Tom McClintock. Who is Tom McClintock?

Remember the Recall election? McClintock was the far-right Republican who posed the greatest conservative threat to Arnold Schwarzenegger. Now, Tom McClintock is running for California Lieutenant Governor. And guess who's one of his biggest supporters? Mel Gibson.

Not only is Gibson a supporter, but Mel sent out a fundraising letter four times on McClintock's behalf praising McClintock:

"[Tom McClintock] stood solidly for principles that might not be politically correct - but were right and true," Gibson wrote.

This Tuesday, McClintock said he would not use that letter any more, but if he means what he says, he should donate the money Mel Gibson raised for him to the Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles.

Tell McClintock to give Mel's money to the Museum of Tolerance! Click here to sign the petition.

But there's more. Are the McClintock "principles that are not politically correct" the same principles shared by McClintock's Deputy Campaign Manager from the recall election, John Stoos? Stoos wrote in a conservative religious journal about his desire to see a Christian majority elected to a city council somewhere in America and then ban abortions within the city limits.

He also wrote about fighting a "homosexual agenda" and restoring "the proper biblical understanding of government to our modern system," The Los Angeles Times reported at the time.

These don't sound like California values to us. There's no place for intolerance in Sacramento. Californians deserve better.

Sign here and forward your friends our petition to tell McClintock to give the money Mel Gibson raised to the Museum of Tolerance.

And please visit us the Courage Campaign website, sign up and check out our new tools and resources ready made for action and community building. Help us fight right wing extremism in every form so that we can ensure a fair, prosperous and progressive future for California.

Yours sincerely,

Rick Jacobs