Wednesday, August 2, 2006

'Sugar Tits' Apology Coming from Mel?

As the press continues to milk the "drunk-Mel-spews-his-inner-feelings-and-then-apologizes-for-it" story, we here at Post An Apology at least have a legitimate reason to keep informing you about the continuing apology-fest from Mel Gibson, because APOLOGIES are the focus of our blog.
So will Mel issue yet another APOLOGY for his "Sugar Tits" comment? This from The Voiceof Reason Blog.

A fat woman has urged Mel Gibson to publicly retract his comments in which he allegedly called a female police officer 'Sugar Tits' during his now well publicized rant whilst being arrested for DUI last Friday.

Patricia Titsworth, the fat woman, emailed this website to say:
"Mel's long road of apology to the Jewish community seems to have begun. And that is all good and proper."

"Mel even seems to have admitted himself to rehab, for which we wish him well."

"However, if he thinks he can get away with calling a female police officer 'Sugar Tits' and get away with it then he deserves a good, hard, running knee into his crotch."

"I want to see him look into the camera and apologize to 'Sugar Tits' directly, and look like he means it."
Professor of Apologies at Harvard told this website:
"This such a disaster I just don't know where to begin. Goodnight."

In other news, it was confirmed last night that the arresting officer was Jewish.

In other, other, news ABC have said that it is to stop work on a mini series being developed on the Holocaust by Gibson's production company, Icon. We have been told not to read anything into the fact that it has been working on the series for two years and hadn't written a script.

Did You Know? Our spell checker asked if we wanted to change Gibson's named to Gibbon.