Wednesday, September 6, 2006

Neo-Conartists cruisin' for a bruisin' in Iran

Get a clue!

Who can't tell by now that the speeches GWB has been giving are penned by none other guessed it!....the Neo Conartists!

Dudes, you got spanked by Lebanon (sorry, but it's true, and they know it) and now want to march straight into Iran. Get over yourselves!

If you are an activist, get busy! Get the drumbeat going over these idiots and STOP THEM COLD. Better hurry, too, because they have GWB's ear.

Here's an excellent article "Shooting the Messenger" byGareth Porter
WASHINGTON - In the struggle over US policy toward Iran, neo-conservatives in the George W Bush administration spoiling for an attack on Iran's nuclear sites have been seeking to convince the public that the US must strike before an Iranian nuclear-weapons capability becomes inevitable. To do so, they must discredit the intelligence community's conclusions that Iran is still as many as 10 years away from being able to build a nuclear weapon and that such a weapon is not an inevitable consequence of its present uranium-enrichment program. Those findings were first circulated in a top-secret National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) on Iran completed in May or June 2005, and could be a rallying point for Democrats and dissident Republicans inclined to oppose an attack on Iran. It has also inhibited the neo-conservatives from being able to launch the kind of propaganda campaign against Iran they would prefer.