Saturday, September 2, 2006

(Not) Winning the war on terror

Get a clue!

The headlines read: Poll: Signs of doubt cloud the war on terror. Duh. You know this isn't working when the Bushies embark on a PR blitz at election time.

Hey, what ever happened to discussing the issues at election time? Oh, the issue is WE'RE NOT WINNING...we're not winning Iraq, we're not winning global support, and we're not winning the feared "war on terror".

They even trotted out the old Nazi and Fascist labels to see if they could get a rise out of the public and most of you scratched your heads wondering "what the f*ck? Isn't terror...faceless and nameless....and isn't Nazi and Fascist about, well, Hitler and Mussolini?"

WASHINGTON — Doubts about the war on terrorism are growing. Most people worry that the cost in blood and money may be too high, and they don't think al-Qaida kingpin Osama bin Laden will ever be caught, an AP-Ipsos poll found.
Five years after the attacks of Sept. 11, fully one-third of Americans think the terrorists may be winning, the poll suggests. Worries fed by the war in Iraq have spilled over into the broader campaign against terrorists who directly target the U.S.