Sunday, September 3, 2006

Will Hillary Run?

Interesting articles making the rounds about Hillary's bid for the President in 2008 saying she may NOT run afterall.

She may, instead, choose to stay in the Senate and serve her country as an "elder statesman" - like her mentor Patrick Moynihan.

So who would run then? Al Gore? John Edwards? Kerry? (ugh) Someone new? Very interesting to think about.
And who will run on the GOP side? We predict Jeb Bush. That's right, you heard it here first...JEB BUSH, to complete the Bush Dynasty. Why? Too much at stake with the Iraq oil fields etc. that won't be solved in another 18 months.

"I would not be surprised if she were to decide that the best contribution she can make to her country is to forget about being president and become a consensus-maker in the Senate,” said a leading Democratic party insider. “She believes there is no trust between the two political sides and that we can’t function as a democracy without it.” ...The solution, insiders say, is for Clinton to take over as Senate minority leader in 2009 from the lacklustre Harry Reid, senator for Nevada. One well-respected blog, The Washington Note, recently claimed that Reid privately told Clinton the job was hers if she gave up her presidential ambitions. "