Monday, October 30, 2006

ANOTHER voting machine glitch

Get a clue.
Are the voting machines the GOP's secret weapon for the midterms? Check out the first sentence here - the choices touched on the electronic screens were NOT THE ONES THAT APPEARED on the review screen?!? Oh, so my vote doesn't count, afterall? Duh!
MiamiHerald via RS: ...Several South Florida voters say the choices they touched on the electronic screens were not the ones that appeared on the review screen -- the final voting step.

Election officials say they aren't aware of any serious voting issues. But in Broward County, for example, they don't know how widespread the machine problems are because there's no process for poll workers to quickly report minor issues and no central database of machine problems.

In Miami-Dade, incidents are logged and reported daily and recorded in a central database. Problem machines are shut down.