Monday, October 23, 2006

Iraq's Malaki on the ropes as the US plans to cut and run

As the GOP and President Bush flip flop on their Iraq desparation exit strategy (this Sunday Bush told George Stephanopolous that he's "never been stay the course" ?!?) and the elections kick into a dirty fight to the finish, Prime Minister Malaki made the extraordinary move of calling Bush for reassurances. Why? Because he's about to be thrown to the wolves, literally, as the US troops prepare to make a cut and run exit from Iraq.
But wait! Not to worry about the Green Zone, the oil, the permanent military bases. Those will stay in place and be run by Halliburton, Brown and Root, et al. Cheney, Libby, Wolfowitz, Kristol, Perle, Feith, etc will still get their billions. (PS, George, they never cared about your evangelical calling in the first place...duh!)

NYSUN: President Bush personally assured Iraq's prime minister yesterday that he has no plans to pull American forces out and to ignore speculation that a deadline would be enforced against the fledgling Baghdad government, the Associated Press reported. The president's pledge came in a 15-minute morning phone call with Prime Minister al-Maliki, who told Mr. Bush he was concerned because he had been hearing that America was giving him a two-month timeline to operate on his own.