Saturday, October 28, 2006

Voter Vault knows all about you

Get a clue!

America, you know those little supermarket rewards tags you carry on your keychain? Those and your credit card bills provide Karl Rove and Ken Mehlman and the RNC everything they need to microtarget you on voting day.

Is this a bad thing? Maybe not...but what else do they know - and how will they use it in the future?

via RS : The Republican National Committee started developing Voter Vault in 2000, spurred by the success of the union-propelled voting drives the Democrats had mounted in Florida and other states. It was first used in targeted congressional races in 2002, when the party picked up some new seats in both houses. And in 2004, when the GOP hammered swing states with money and people, Voter Vault guided the effort. The Democratic National Committee tried playing catch-up during the 2004 election, morphing its e-mail list into something it called, variously, Datamart and Demzilla, but the system never really got off the ground, and by late 2005 it had been abandoned.

Oh, and PS. The company that manages the Voter Vault is located in......India.