Or the Neo-Con-Artists, as we like to call them. Are they more dangerous than ever because of their stupid, ill-thought-out, clumsy, deadly blunder in Iraq? Remember, their agenda is in line with the extreme rightwing Likud party in Israel (notice, their agenda is NOT about America...).
Dear God, let's hope their war drum beat for invading Iran is drowned out by reason....or we're in for a dark period ahead....
AJ ...As Iran makes a "final step" in its nuclear program, senior government officials have stated that pre-emptive strikes may be on the table. The Iranians have repeatedly claimed that they are being threatened with force by Israel, while the Israeli ambassador has said that "US President George W. Bush will not hesitate to use force against Iran in order to halt its nuclear program,"....
As point two of James Baker's Iraq strategy will look to diplomatic cooperation with Iraq's neighbours, should Iran be seen as refusing to cooperate with the strategy, this may be used as a final excuse to impose isolation and a blockade on Iran, possibly leading to conflict.
Leading Neocons such as Richard Perle and Michael Ledeen, extremely disgruntled with the fierce criticism they have recently received over the Iraq war, are now calling for swift and decisive action.
Leading Neocons such as Richard Perle and Michael Ledeen, extremely disgruntled with the fierce criticism they have recently received over the Iraq war, are now calling for swift and decisive action.
It certainly seems that now, more than ever, we should be on guard against a wounded and dangerous Neocon leadership. The American people have shown that they do not trust them and they want rid of them. In this sense, and with "impeachment off the table", the Bush cabal has nothing left to lose.