Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Ted Haggard's Defagification

Get a clue. As they say, a pickle will never be a cucumber again. Poor Ted:

Q As you all know, Ted Haggard's up to his God-fearing eyeballs in defagification. Of couse, one can't help but wonder what happens at the "sexual counseling" of a disgraced Evangelical leader who confessed to buying meth from a hooker, namely: Mike Jones and "sexual immorality", whatever that means.haggardfacesm.jpg

Thankfully, we came across two stories detailing Haggard's ordeal. One come to us from the kids at The New York Blade. They report:

The rehabilitation of former superstar pastor Rev. Ted Haggard may not include urine tests or ankle bracelets, but he will have to undergo lie detector tests and confess his failings...Rev. Larry Stockstill, another member of the board overseeing Haggard's rehabilitation, said Haggard will undergo a polygraph test to help determine how honest he is being.