Friday, January 5, 2007

Ex Foley page apologizes for Hastert claim

Who's apologizing now?

Blogger Lane Hudson. Remember the Mark Foley page scandal? Well, it appears that somebody authored a bogus press release supposedly from Former House Speaker Hastert's office and Lane posted the bogus release on his blog and is now apologizing for not authenticating it well enough, or something like that.

Bottom line is, the GOP white old guys sure seem to be homophobes in public but like those young boys in private. Yuck. What pervs. Take away their Viagra, quick!

The former page who first posted former congressman Mark Foley's (R-FL) inappropriate emails has posted an apparently bogus press release from former House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-IL), a release Hastert's office tells RAW STORY is not authentic...

Hudson issued an update on his blog after RAW STORY began investigating the rumors. In the update he stated "that this may have been a fake email. Their efforts to identify the original source of the email, Dawn Grishim, has turned up nothing. Hastert's office has denied issuing any release implicating Jerry Weller or Phil English."

He added, "My apologies for not making more of an effort to authenticate this. The source from which I received it is very reliable, but has also been duped by some disingenuous trickster."