Friday, January 5, 2007

Hire Illegals

Get a clue.

Americans are not having babies. Americans are getting older, living longer. Workers are hard to come by and the idiot righties who've taken up the illegal immigrant banner (a loser if we ever saw one) just can't put it down.

Just read the government's Security and Prosperity Partnership plan and weep, you dopes.
(and don't think it's not already in the works)

The US will annex Mexico and then join with Canada for a North American block. Think of all the labor, land, oil, resources, expansion, protection, citizens who are having babies, a Christian block (should make the batsh!t talk show hosts happy in the 'Islamofacist' war they've created)....hey, it goes on and on.

Got news for ya! Bush wants to send more troops......there ARE no more troop! Cities like New London, CT need more one's applying for the job!

Smart politicians are marching forward with legislation to insure children (Schwarzenegger), and, well, in New London (and other American cities) - hire the illegals; enlist the illegals!

TD But there is a solution if this and other cities follow our national leaders, further than even they are yet daring to go, and tap the one seemingly inexhaustible human resource we have left: illegal immigrants.

We all know that “illegals” will do anything to gain a legal foothold in America, including all the crummy, dirty or dangerous jobs that Americans don't want to do. Police work and soldiering aren't crummy jobs, and here at home, once you complete basic training you might not even have to get dirty. But dangerous — that's a given. So why miss an opportunity to sign someone else up for the job?

At the Pentagon, the idea is already in the pipeline. The day after Christmas, the Boston Globe reported that Pentagon officials may open recruiting stations overseas, and put immigrants on a fast track to citizenship if they volunteer for military service.