Saturday, January 6, 2007

Saddam's Executioners

Get a clue.

Forget the "Wild West" analogies. The chaos that is Iraq - the intrigue, the backstabbing, is medieval and beyond our comprehension. Was it Muqtada who put the noose on Saddam? If so - wow, dude's got the power. Wonder what he has in store for Bush's surgers? Or, how much OIL MONEY is he demanding to leave the construction of the mega military bases alone?

IS Al Jazeera has claimed that an Iraqi official who did not want to be identified has told it that an Iraqi militia (presumably Muqtada al Sadr’s Mahdi Army) replaced all the security officials responsible for executing Saddam with its own militiamen.

Meanwhile the Sunni pro-Baathist website
Iraqi Rabita has claimed that one of the masked men who put the noose around Saddam’s neck was in fact Muqtada al Sadr. The website posted photos from the execution film and pointed to the man they suspected was Muqtada. They compared the masked man’s facial hair (what was visible) and his ring, with those of Muqtada. They claimed this was why the onlookers were chanting for Muqtada.