Who's quitting the Hispanic caucus now?
That would be girlfriend, Loretta Sanchez, D Rep from California.
She is steaming mad at this one and claims Baca also told people she's a whore. He'd better issue an apology soon.
Look out boys, the girls are back in town!
Politico..."I'm not going to be a part of the CHC as long as Mr. Baca illegally holds the chair … I told them no. There's a big rift here," Sanchez said. "You treat the women like shit. I have no use for him."
"I told them to take me off the list, take me off the Web site, take me off everything," Sanchez said.
She said she was surprised and insulted when she learned that Baca had made the disparaging personal comment about her to California Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez and other legislators last year.
Nunez "is a friend of mine. Did he think he wouldn't tell me?" Sanchez asked.
Sanchez voted against Baca in the election for chairman in November. Four other female lawmakers abstained from the vote, raising concerns about whether the election followed proper procedures.