That would be Trannie Annie. She/he just doesn't get it - the message and the messanger has become irrelevant. Good thing she/he cashed in early on book sales, etc. Hopefully we're finally seeing the end of her.
Conservatives (what? there are still conservatives?) have had it. Here's the blog communication that went out to "conservative blogs" today:
CQ Note: This letter will appear simultaneously on a number of conservative blogs this morning. It has been scheduled in advance for that purpose. My personal remarks will appear below.
Conservatism treats humans as they are, as moral creatures possessing rational minds and capable of discerning right from wrong. There comes a time when we must speak out in the defense of the conservative movement, and make a stand for political civility. This is one of those times.
Ann Coulter used to serve the movement well. She was telegenic, intelligent, and witty. She was also fearless: saying provocative things to inspire deeper thought and cutting through the haze of competing information has its uses. But Coulter's fearlessness has become an addiction to shock value. She draws attention to herself, rather than placing the spotlight on conservative ideas.