Who's sorry now?
The stupid Wall Street losers who got busted for a measly $15 mil. What dopes. At least take 'em down for serious money - $50M at the minimum. They're going to be kicking themselves all the way to prison for getting busted for practically nothing. Plus they were doing all this wannabe gangsta disposable cell phone stuff....what-ev-uh. Enjoy prison life, suckas!
The stupid Wall Street losers who got busted for a measly $15 mil. What dopes. At least take 'em down for serious money - $50M at the minimum. They're going to be kicking themselves all the way to prison for getting busted for practically nothing. Plus they were doing all this wannabe gangsta disposable cell phone stuff....what-ev-uh. Enjoy prison life, suckas!
AP Husband and wife lawyers and 11 top Wall Street workers were charged Thursday with making more than $15 million in illegal trading profit through an alleged federal securities fraud scheme, authorities said. What is so alarming about the conduct alleged in the SEC's case isn't just the scope of the scheme ... but, sadly, who is at the center of it," she said.
Besides the lawyers, defendants including registered representatives, compliance personnel and hedge fund portfolio managers, improperly relied on hundreds of tips during five years of illegal trading, she said.
"And this conduct didn't occur in obscure boiler rooms — but rather at what are commonly considered `top tier' Wall Street firms," Thomsen said.