Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Hot chicks on Fox Biz News, no hot dudes anywhere

We're wondering the same thing...where is all the hot Wall Street testosterone? Those hunky 'masters of the universe' ? They're not on CNBC, and they're certainly not on the new Fox Business News. "Business Light" is right. Jezebel gets it right. Those hottie hedge fund guys all got pudgyn estrogen.

Here's a spoof promo you'll like:

Anyway, I think the deal is was originally that it was supposed to somehow cover business in way that was even more aggressively pro-business than CNBC, but then that turned out to be impossible so they told everyone they would have hotter chicks. Which is also pretty impossible! So yeah, I've been watching, and they certainly have some cute women who can sorta pronounce "Bernanke" whatevs, but the newscasts are actually really heavy on the men, none of whom I would ever do. Whereas! CNBC, for its part, has long had a huge posse of schlubby male news anchors with Cherry Garcia guts and rings around their armpits who I have always fantasized about, shortsighted stock market cheerleading and corporate excess apologisting be damned! Specifically, ahem, Joe Kernen, because he is, if you weren't aware, awesome.