In case you haven't heard about infamous Orange County Sheriff Mike Corona, you're really missing out on one of the juiciest scandals going. Not the "spending taxpayer money" blah blah. No, here's a guy who's having sex with his mistress while his wife and daughter are 50FEET AWAY, and its all caught on his cell phone. Hee hee. The OC Weekly has been following this's an article from last year:
Evidence obtained by the Weekly places Carona inside a moving vehicle while, well, affectionately engaged with a then-low ranking sheriff’s department employee. The pair kissed, giggled, moaned, groaned, cleaned up and offered expressions of love. After the 45-minute romp, the female said to Carona, “Do I still smell like you?” The sheriff said, “A lot! A lot! A lot! A lot! A lot! A lot!” “How do we hide it?” she replied. Through a private attorney, the sheriff declined interview requests, demanded a copy of the recording, and implied he might claim it’s been doctored. However, the woman confirmed details of the encounter. She asked that her name not be used in this article for fear of retaliation.
But it’s not just her word. Neither Carona nor the woman knew at the time that their physical activities in the vehicle had inadvertently activated the redial button on a cell phone. And this is where Carona’s already stunning gift for creating scandal becomes legendary. An audio recording of the affair was left on an unwitting person’s telephone answering machine. This time, the sheriff—a man predisposed to blame his foibles on underlings, friends, acquaintances and the media—had fingered himself, so to speak.
But it’s not just her word. Neither Carona nor the woman knew at the time that their physical activities in the vehicle had inadvertently activated the redial button on a cell phone. And this is where Carona’s already stunning gift for creating scandal becomes legendary. An audio recording of the affair was left on an unwitting person’s telephone answering machine. This time, the sheriff—a man predisposed to blame his foibles on underlings, friends, acquaintances and the media—had fingered himself, so to speak.