Monday, April 30, 2007

DC Madame 'sorry', but...she had to do it

Who's apologizing now?

Deborah Palfrey, the DC Madame, who threatened to name names, and it's happening. She's apologizing, but says it's necessary. You bet. And what fun. The real 'apologists' should be all the hypocrits who used the service and were married with children, in jobs that required them to interact with the public, etc. Notice that so far it's mostly the Viagra crowd of aging white guys who're being outed. Hey, we have nothing against fun sex. It's the double standard that irks us and most people.

A woman apologized Monday for outing a former top State Department official as a client of her escort service but said it was necessary to prove her company was doing legal business.

Tobias, who resigned Friday as head of the Bush administration's foreign aid programs, confirmed to ABC News that he used Palfrey's escort firm, Pamela Martin & Associates, but said he only received legal services such as massages.

Prosecutors have accused Palfrey of seeking to intimidate witnesses by outing them publicly