Monday, February 20, 2006

Dead Fish, Roses, 2nd Rate Private Dicks

Who's Sorry Now?

Remember Heidi Fleiss's black book? Supposedly had stars quaking in their boots? Well, move over, our favorite 2nd rate private dick, Anthony Pellicano, a note that stays "Stop" and a dead fish in a tin tray, wiretaps, and lately the indictment of Terry N. Christensen, prominent entertainment lawyer, has Hollywood all lit up. And this being Oscar season, boy, it's getting hot in hrrrrr. (
more here in the NY Times)

Love that it says the "Blackberry's etc are humming". Guys, get a clue. Your emails could do you in. Learn something from Abramoff (who, let's remember is a wannabe film maker, grad of Beverly Hills High), who's DC emails will most likely sink him (and, come to think of it, Libby's emails are pretty juicy,too). Kinda funny, Hollywood has resisted new technologies and just doesn't get it - emails live forever, Blackberry's included, DUH!