Saturday, February 18, 2006


Bloggers rock. A CBS news story, Bloggers Battle Over Cheney's Misfire says, "By week's end, mainstream media interest in the Cheney story story had waned, but the battle raged on in cyberspace". (here)

The Internet and the blogosphere have changed our communications forever. The playing field has leveled out. Anyone can find information; do research; make comments; get published; and get an audience (sometimes big, sometimes small) in the electronic media. This is clearly a good thing.

So the news cycle in today's world can literally be a nano second - here today, and, poof!, gone tomorrow.

The danger in this is that really important news stories - the VP of the US shoots a man; lobbying misdeeds; NSA domestic syping; torture; etc. come and go SO FAST that we just keep moving on. Not much time to develop a resposne, to initiate change.

Thanks to the readers of blogs like Post An Apology, a small group now ( approx 1000 hits per day and growing) we're not going to let important issues die - and we'll have fun with it as we go. Tell your friends, forward links, support the truth, participate in change. Bloggers rock, but you guys rock more!